FREE way to scrape Linkedin job postings and export as csv!

I wrote a script that will scrape job listings from Linkedin and export as a csv...for free!

Copy the code from below or from here and paste it into your browser console. Here's a video to show you how to do that. Then hit enter. It will take a few minutes to run. When it's done, it will download a csv file with all the job listings.

Couple important things: you need to be logged in and you need to start from page 1.

And the script is pretty slow. If you need something super speedy, I can get you access to a custom scraper I built that is lightning fast. If you'd like that, or if you need anything else scraped, send me an email:

function createCSV(jsonData, fileName) {
  // Convert JSON to CSV
  const csvData = []

  // Extract the headers
  const headers = Object.keys(jsonData[0])

  jsonData.forEach((item) => {
    const row = []
    for (const key in item) {
      if (item.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
        if (typeof item[key] === 'number') {
        const value = item[key]?.includes(',')
          ? `"${item[key].replace(/"/g, '""')}"`
          : item[key]

  // Create a Blob containing the CSV data
  const csvBlob = new Blob([csvData.join('\n')], {
    type: 'text/csv;charset=utf-8',

  // Create a URL for the Blob
  const csvUrl = URL.createObjectURL(csvBlob)

  // Create a link element
  const link = document.createElement('a')
  link.href = csvUrl = '_blank' = fileName

  // Append the link to the body

  // Trigger a click event on the link

  // Remove the link and revoke the Blob URL

async function scrollDown() {
  const wrapper = document.querySelector('.jobs-search-results-list')
  await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
    var totalHeight = 0
    var distance = 1000

    var timer = setInterval(async () => {
      var scrollHeightBefore = wrapper.scrollHeight
      wrapper.scrollBy(0, distance)
      totalHeight += distance

      if (totalHeight >= scrollHeightBefore) {
        totalHeight = 0

        // Calculate scrollHeight after waiting
        var scrollHeightAfter = wrapper.scrollHeight

        if (scrollHeightAfter > scrollHeightBefore) {
          // More content loaded, keep scrolling
        } else {
          // No more content loaded, stop scrolling
    }, 300)

function getRidOfUnnecessaryLinesAndSpaces(text) {
  return text
    ?.map((line) => line.trim())
    ?.filter((line) => line !== '')
    ?.join(' ')

function jsonify(jobDiv) {
  const title = document.querySelector(
  const link = jobDiv.querySelector('a.ember-view')
  let jobLocation = jobDiv.querySelector('ul').textContent

  const primaryDescription = document.querySelector(
    '.job-details-jobs-unified-top-card__primary-description div',
  const company = primaryDescription?.children?.[0]?.textContent
  let companyLink = primaryDescription?.children?.[0]?.getAttribute('href')
  const posted = primaryDescription?.children?.[3]?.textContent
  const applicants = primaryDescription?.children?.[5]?.textContent

  const details = document.querySelectorAll(
  // const [salary, employmentType, level] = details[0].textContent?.split("路");
  const splitFirstLine = details?.[0]?.textContent?.split('路')
  const salary = splitFirstLine?.find((line) => line?.includes('$'))
  const employmentType = salary ? splitFirstLine?.[1] : splitFirstLine?.[0]
  const level = salary ? splitFirstLine?.[2] : splitFirstLine?.[1]

  // const [companySize, companyIndustry] = details?.[1]?.textContent?.split("路");
  const splitCrap = details?.[1]?.textContent?.split('路')
  const companySize = splitCrap?.[0]
  const companyIndustry = splitCrap?.[1]

  const description = document.querySelector(

  return {
    title: title?.textContent?.trim() || '',
    company: company?.trim() || '',
    link: `${link?.getAttribute('href')}`,
    jobLocation: jobLocation?.trim() || '',
    companyLink: companyLink || '',
    posted: getRidOfUnnecessaryLinesAndSpaces(posted?.trim()) || '',
    applicants: applicants?.trim() || '',
    salary: salary?.trim() || '',
    employmentType: employmentType?.trim() || '',
    level: level?.trim() || '',
    companySize: companySize?.trim() || '',
    companyIndustry: companyIndustry?.trim() || '',
    description: description?.trim() || '',

async function scrapeLinkedinJobs() {
  const allJobs = []
  let i = 0
  // TODO: important that they start this on page 1
  let currentPage = 1
  let hasNextPage = true

  while (hasNextPage) {
      `If you need jobs scraped, or any other data, email me:`,
    // wait for the page to load
    await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
      setTimeout(() => {
      }, 3000)
    await scrollDown()

    // collect the job data
    const jobDivs = document.querySelectorAll('.job-card-container')
    // click on all the jobDivs
    for (let index = 0; index < jobDivs.length; index++) {
      const jobDiv = jobDivs[index]
      await new Promise((resolve, reject) => setTimeout(resolve, 1000))
      const job = jsonify(jobDiv)

    // get the pages to paginate
    const pages = document.querySelectorAll(
      '.artdeco-pagination__pages--number li button',
    // get the attr data-test-pagination-page-btn
    for (i = 0; i < pages.length; i++) {
      const page = pages[i]
      const pageNumber = page.getAttribute('aria-label').replace(/\D/g, '')
      // if the page number is equal to the current page + 1, then click it
      if (Number(pageNumber) === currentPage + 1) {
        console.log('advance to next page')
        hasNextPage = true
    // if the current page is the last page, then stop
    if (i === pages.length) {
      hasNextPage = false

  console.log('allJobs', allJobs)

  createCSV(allJobs, `linkedinJobs-${new Date().getTime()}.csv`)

  console.log(`Congrats! 馃帀 You scraped ${allJobs.length} jobs!`)
    `If you need jobs scraped, or any other data, email me:`,
await scrapeLinkedinJobs()

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